Reia Chapman
This year's annual OUTSpoken event featured Reia Chapman, LCSW, who discussed the decolonization of approaches to integrating equity and justice on a college campus in the spirit of elevating those most oppressed including BIPOC LGBTQ+ communities. Chapman is the owner and founder of Center for Family and Maternal Wellness in Charlotte. She has an extensive background in the Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice movements and specializes in Queer and Trans-affirmative psychotherapy and maternal mental health. Much of her work has focused on support for LGBTQ+ BIPOC communities. She founded the Charlotte Uprising Emotional Response Team in 2016 following the murder of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte and the resulting protests. At a systems level she focuses on the decolonizing of mental health services. She is also a graduate of UNC Charlotte. The 14th annual OUTSpoken was held virtually on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 7p.m. via zoom.